Monday, October 15, 2007


I know its been a long time, but we haven't had class... and I haven't had much to post about. Since I had been putting off the weaves and pretty much not looked at them for weeks- I decided to pick them up again. I wasn't getting the desired affect with the channel weaves so I tried luring a time or two. It seemed to click and he magically seemed to understand the weaves- on the down side, they are not super fast. I only lured one training session then went back to channel weaves- I think its made a positive difference. My goal now is to speed them up (I think that once the weaves are outside he will run them much quicker).

Thats all for now- hopefully I will get to go pick up my teeter this weekend!!! :D


Rossi2009 said...

don't succomb to the lure!!!

critterpix said...

I only did it once... I know if I kept doing it- he'd be crazy slow.