Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I know...

My computer died... R.I.P.

Any how, we had a weekend full of agility! We started off will a focus class on Saturday that we worked on crosses both front and rear, with a couple of flase turns as well. We had a rough start where I "might" have been a little grumpy at first causing the lil man to shut down a bit. My goal is to stop saying negative phrases when Pickle does not do exactly what I am asking- keep trying to remind myself that it is probably something I am doing that is causing the behaivor.

Sunday was better as far as attention and positive behaivors. We worked mostly on object discrimination and crosses. He still is a contact sucker... hehehe, we'll have to work on that. We also did courses as well... I think he is coming along so nicely. I really do need to work the weaves with him more- right now I think that we have hit a learn plateu on them, maybe I need to find a different approach... we'll see, I'm afraid I'm gonna cause him to hate the weaves (I kinda stopped working them at home for the time being)

Monday night we had our handling class. I rushed home from work, threw Pickle in the care, and high tailed it to class. He was so hyper and unfocused... thereby we did not accomplish much in class. I will learn to wear him out a bit more...

Tuesday was truely a blast! We went to Chuting Stars and learned several of the games such a snooker, jackpot (gamblers), and colors! Pickle was so intune and so hyped up! I had so much fun... we were out there for 2 hours- I didn't notice how much running we had done till we got home- boy am I sore!!! Last night seemed to bring it all together, I coulsdn't help but walk away and think "so this is what its all about!" If you don't run agility- START!!!


Rossi2009 said...

I'm glad you had a blast at CS! I hope we'll get some more of that done here and there!

Rossi2009 said...

Hey, you changed the background but didn't post anything new!

critterpix said...

So... Chuting stars anyone??? You know you wanna...

*hint hint jj