Sunday, March 23, 2008


Had to take the kiddos down to Turtle Creek for the annual Easter Parade at Lee Park. Its a blast just to see what people (me included) will dress their dogs up as. This years favorite for us was a nun carrying a Maltese dressed as the Pope blessing everybody. I've included some of the pics from the parade... but will definitely add more later.

Oh yeah... there were tons of vendors.... I love this painted crates, but they were smokin' dope on the prices ($400-500)!!! I included a pic- you would have had to see them in real life, they even had rhinestones!!!



Dori said...

Looks like you had a great time! I love that parade...

Rossi2009 said...

Those crates ROCK! Love the Pickle leash btw. =)

Rossi2009 said...

Need Horsie Pictures!

Rossi2009 said...

Where's Bessie's costume???